A gathering space to start, form and nurture friendships.
If pictures accompanied words in the dictionary, then the word “gregarious” would be next to an image of Mike Murphy. During his time as a student at Catholic University, Mike was a sociable sort and enjoyed “holding court” in the old Rathskellar in what is now Father O’Connell Hall. Mike, who graduated from Catholic University with a bachelor’s degree in history in 1974 and his master’s in American history in 1975, was a voracious reader of history and an ardent follower of the American political scene. He was known to discuss both subjects long into the night at the “Rat.” Mike was taken from us far too early. He died on May 18, 2007.
It was when Mike was battling cancer that he learned that the Rathskellar was closed and that there would be nothing to take its place in the new Edward J. Pryzbyla University Center. He couldn’t fathom it. It was at his 55th birthday party that he announced to a large group of Catholic University alumni and friends that he was planning to start a fund to build a new place for students to gather on campus— a place where friendships could be formed and nurtured. It would be an on-campus gathering spot— a new Rathskellar. That was in 2007. Ten years later, with the help of many of those friends and numerous additional donors, the University will dedicate this space called Murphy’s. Mike is smiling down on us, I am sure. Those who remember the old Rathskellar remember Franklin, the ubiquitous bartender, and the old carved wooden benches and tables. While Murphy’s has a different interior and yet-to-be legendary employees, it has the spirit and sense of camaraderie that was embodied in Mike Murphy. That spirit will never die, and we thank Mike for his vision. Without his drive, Murphy’s would not exist today. Mike would hope that each of the students, faculty, and staff who enjoy this establishment will remember the friendships that they form here and continue them for a lifetime— just as he did. Thanks, Mike, and welcome to Murphy’s!
-Frank Persico, Classes of ‘74 and ’76

We accept Meal Swipes, Dining Dollars, Cardinal Cash, Cash, and Credit.

Murphy's Grill
620 Michigan Avenue NE
Edward J. Pryzbyla University Center
Washington, DC, 20064
United States